Developed at Stanford University

Serving 19K caregivers for over 10 years

What’s your biggest caregiving challenge?

See how BBC can help.

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Facing Uncertainty

Change is the only constant. Being a caregiver means change - sometimes fast. Learning on the go is unpredictable. Being open to new ideas, new information and a new diagnosis is common. When you adapt, you can adjust.

Our Program Helps

Our program covers tools that may help you in your caregiver journey.

Stress Management for Caregivers

Practice the body scan technique

Problem solving

Uncover the underlying issue

Decision Making

Learn a simple tool for complex choices

You may also find it helpful to be connected with local resources that can provide support as your situation changes.

They've Gone Through It....

Our alumni and facilitators share their caregivers' journey and their experience with our program.

Not sure if caregiver workshops are right for you?

Find out how it works.

Have a question about Building Better Caregivers?

We are here to help.

Call us at 1-844-516-1438 - option 4 at prompt - (M-F 9am - 5pm PST) or click below to live chat or leave a message.

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